This week on the conversation is the bathroom transgender Issue just another roose to have Americans looking one way while the government take things from you on the other. Also Trumps wins big this week in primary's through out the US. Remember the goal is to get a Conservative in the white house not attack Trump. Does the GOP really want to fix the real problems in the US or do they care just that is best form their own pocket books like the Dumdocrats do. Clinton as a white white person I need to talk about racism more really? Morgan Freedman was on 60 minutes last year and what he said is how we need to think now and moving forward. The Klove spring pledge drive is going on right now and it is great to hear all the people who have been blessed from the radio station. The Premiere league is hitting the home strech Man. Utd. plays Number one LC. do we have a chance in winning I will break down the game. Also the Detroit Tigers are up and down looking forward where do we stand in the AL. That and much much more so join mefor the conversation your apart of.