Do you find yourself reacting to your child's behaviour? Can they push your buttons - especially when they don't listen?
Are you tired of yelling, being frustrated, impatient and then feeling guilty afterwards?
Well you might be operating on old programs that you developed when you were disappointed, hurt and wounded as a child.
Your children offer you a unique opportunity to heal your old childhood wounds and become a more empathetic, loving and happier parent. If this sounds good to you tune in as Dr Robyn Mills - inspirational radio host, interviews Dr Rosina McAlpine - parenting expert on: Clearing your childhood wounds to parent in a new way
This powerful interview could change your life!
Learn more about Dr Robyn Mills inspirational speaker, artist and singer at
Download Dr Rosina's free parenting guide at
You can teach your children key life skills like good self esteem, eating well, communication skills and managing emotions in just 15 minutes at a time! Make a difference in your child’s life now!